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Veterans Long-term Service and Support Benefits

The Veterans Administration (VA) pays for long-term care services for veterans with service-related disabilities. The VA also pays for certain other eligible veterans and other health programs such as nursing home care and at-home care for aging veterans with long-term services and supports needs.

The VA pays for veterans who do not have service-related disabilities but cannot pay for their care. Co-pays may apply depending on the veteran’s income level.

In planning for long-term services and supports, the country’s VA Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems work with Veterans and their survivors, as well as caregivers in a process called Shared Decision-Making (SDM); a collaborative process allowing Veterans and their providers to make health care decisions together, while taking into account the best scientific evidence available coupled with the Veteran’s values and preferences.

The following options are available to support the long-term service and support needs of Veterans and their survivors. Work with your healthcare provider to review availability in your area and any other details needed to access them.

In-home and Community-based Options for Veterans

Programs that help veterans stay in their homes include the following:

Residential Settings:

When staying at home is not possible, several alternatives to a nursing home are available:

Nursing Homes:

Some individuals need care only available in a nursing facility. The options include the following:

Pension Supplement Options to Pay for Care:

Aid & Attendance (AA) and Housebound pension allowances increase the pension amount of veterans and survivors eligible and require the aid and attendance of another person, or are housebound.

For more information on Aid & Attendance (AA) and Housebound, including specific eligibility criteria and how to apply, click here.


Washington’s Community Living Connections staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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