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Home-delivered Meals

Home-delivered meals, sometimes called Meals-on-Wheels, are designed to meet the nutritional needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities who have difficulty preparing meals on their own. Often, these are provided by nutrition programs that also provide meals in group settings.

What are nutrition programs?

Meal programs deliver meals to an individual’s home, or the individual travels to a community location where meals are served in a group setting.

  • Meals are included as part of the Nutrition programs funded by Area Agencies on Aging where registered dietitians plan or review menus.
  • Some meal programs require the person receiving home-delivered meals required them to be home-bound.
  • Other meal settings include churches, community centers, and civic organizations.

Visit the nutrition programs in your community section to learn more about options in your community.

What should I look for in a meal program?

You will need to find out whether a program can provide the meals you need, when you need them, and where you need them.

  • Ask about eligibility requirements.
  • Can any special dietary needs, either medical or religious be accommodated?
  • Ask about liquid or chopped meal options, should this need arise.

How do I pay for a home-delivered meals?

Most meal programs are inexpensive or free, and are available to people of any income level. Some provide information on a suggested donation amount. Many of these programs are subsidized by federal, state, or local agencies. Others are sponsored by religious organizations or community groups. Private businesses, grocery stores or restaurants may have a menu listing food options and their cost, plus their delivery fee.

Additional home-delivered meal options

Many for-profit businesses offer food delivery services designed to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities. For instance, restaurants, private meal services, and grocery stores often provide delivery for little or no cost other than that of the food itself.

Connect with Your Local CLC.

Washington’s Community Living Connections staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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